We’re a team of devoted specialists who believe in the absolute value of arbitration. 

Introducing the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Directors

Our other board members will be introduced in the next publication of this bimonthly periodical.

Advocate Pierre Rossouw SC is a member of The Maisels Group in Sandton. Prior to his admission to the Bar, Pierre practised as an attorney, notary and conveyancer. His court appearances include various divisions of the High Court, Supreme Court of Appeal, the Constitutional Court of RSA and the High and Supreme Courts of Namibia. The judgments in 32 of his litigious matters have been widely reported in prominent local and international Law Reports. He held appointments as an Acting Judge of the Gauteng Local Division of the High Court, and is a Fellow, a Director and current Chairman of the Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa) NPC. 


Advocate Tjaart van der Walt SC is a senior advocate of The Maisels Group in Sandton. His court appearances over 25 years include the High Court, Supreme Court of Appeal and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of South Africa, as well as the High Courts of Namibia and Swaziland. The judgments in 13 of his litigious matters have been widely reported in multiple Law Reports. He has accepted appointment as Acting Judge of the High Court of South Africa, is a Faculty Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK), a Member of the Society of Mediators (UK), and a Member of the AFSA International Committee. He is an accredited Arbitrator, Adjudicator and Mediator of the Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa) NPC, the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK), and AFSA International. Tjaart is currently Vice-Chairman, Director and Fellow of the Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa) NPC. 


Introducing our administrative managers

Our advocates, Fellows and associates depend on the support, efficacy and dedication of our highly skilled and capable administrative management team.

Ms Happiness Mthembu joined the Association in 2015. She is the ADR Admin Manager, and is responsible for nominations and venue hire, among other tasks. We call her the ‘Va va voom’ of the Secretariat. Happiness will stop at nothing to assist wherever she can – always with her special, radiant smile!


ADR Admin Manager


Ms Mandisa Mthembu joined the Association in 2015. She is the Course and Member Manager, responsible for memberships and training. Mandisa’s can-do attitude means she gets the job done – with excellence!


Course and Member Manager


Mr Ndisha Lidzhegu joined the Association in 2017 as a temporary staff member and was appointed as the Association’s Data and IT Officer during 2019. He is responsible for keeping our members’ details up to date and assists with IT matters. Ndisha, being the lone thorn among the Secretariat’s roses, is endlessly patient and diligent!


Data and IT Officer


Ms Leatitia Taljaardt joined the Association at the end of 2018. She is the Accounting Manager, tasked with ensuring that the Association’s accounts department is run professionally. With her effervescent nature, Leatitia ensures that the Secretariat never has a dull moment!


Ms Leatitia Taljaardt
Accounting Manager


Ms Rochelle Appleton joined the Association in 2016. She is the General Manager, and is tasked with ensuring that the Association’s Secretariat runs smoothly and professionally.  Rochelle loves having members visit for a cuppa!


General Manager