At the time of going to press the Association’s Faculty is a beehive of activity with new course enrollments and the finalisation of course material for the commencement of the 2022 academic year in March. 

The Association will this year continue presenting very successful arbitration correspondence courses that have been presented, updated, and modernised continuously over decades.  These courses include the Certificate Course in Arbitration, the Fellowship Course, the Accelerated Fellowship Course and our flagship course, the Specialisation in Construction Law Course, all presented by experienced senior practitioners from the legal profession and the construction industry under the guidance of myself as head of Tutors and Emeritus Professors David Butler and Sieg Eiselen, respectively from the University of Stellenbosch and UNISA.   

The Association’s courses are intended to train aspiring arbitrators in the law and practice of arbitration in South Africa and internationally.  Our courses deal with domestic and international arbitration rules, the law of delict and contract, the law of evidence and, of course, an essential part of being an arbitrator namely award writing which is a separate module of both Fellowship Courses.  The courses are facilitated through an online learning platform which allows the courses to be more accessible to students based in Southern Africa and across the globe.  The Association’s adoption of online and remote learning practices enables the Association to present its courses including lectures and workshops remotely.  Students who have attended our courses in the past have gained useful insights and knowledge in the law and practice of arbitration and construction law whether they intend to practice as arbitrators or not.  ADR party representatives, advisors and consultants equally derive valuable benefit from our courses.   

Enrolment for the Association’s correspondence courses annually closes at the end of February.  Because numbers for each course are limited, we encourage anyone who is interested to enroll as soon as possible. Late enrollment applications may be considered, but only under exceptional circumstances and if courses are not fully subscribed.  More information on our arbitration courses is available on the Association’s website or can be obtained from the Association’s Secretariat. 

For decades the Association has been the exclusive Southern African partner of the Society of Mediators in London for purposes of co-presenting regular two-day and five-day mediation courses virtually and in person.  These mediation courses are steadily growing in popularity amongst members of the Association and amongst members of the public locally and throughout Southern Africa.  The reasons for steadily growing demand include the fact that mediation is gaining traction as a compulsory precursor to court litigation and the fascinating presentation style, thorough knowledge, and impressive experience of our world-renowned mediation tutors including, amongst others, London barristers Jonathan Dingle and Andrea Barnes.  More information on our mediation courses is available on the Association’s website or can be obtained from the Association’s Secretariat. 


Advocate Donald Joubert


Head of Tutors 

Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa) NPC
