UNCLE OSWALD’S Q&A FORUM – NOVEMBER 2020 Having dispensed invaluable advice over the course of the past year, Uncle Oswald was reminded that an overview of the topics he discussed would be of great value to the readers of his Q&A forum... read more
UNCLE OSWALD’S Q&A FORUM – NOVEMBER 2020 Having dispensed invaluable advice over the course of the past year, Uncle Oswald was reminded that an overview of the topics he discussed would be of great value to the readers of his Q&A forum... read more
TOOLS OF THE TRADE – NOVEMBER 2020 In the fourth and final essay of her series on critical thinking and logical reasoning skills, Ms Breitenbach delves into the application of these crucial competences in the complex process of award writing. HOW TO... read more
CASE IN POINT – NOVEMBER 2020 This regular column features interesting and informative case reports and judgments. In this addition, we’re pleased to share an analysis of the Supreme Court of Appeal’s recent judgment in Namasthethu Electrical ... read more
ALL ABOUT THE AOA – NOVEMBER 2020 We are a team of devoted specialists who believe in the absolute value of arbitration. We take great pleasure in introducing you to our board members in our e-periodicals. In this edition, we invite you to become ... read more
Thank you Mr Benti Czanik, Mr Tom McDonald and Mr Mike Rivarola for presenting this valuable workshop through the Association of Arbitrators Southern Africa NPC!
Please download Adv Kiki Bailey SC’s résumé here.
Please download Adv Paul Strathern SC’s résumé here.
Please download Adv Eric Dunn SC’s résumé here.
Please download Adv Mark Harcourt SC’s résumé here.
Please download Dr Tanya Hendry’s résumé here.