Alastair Hay (KZN Branch Chairman of the Association of Arbitrators) is hosting this popular annual event at the Mt Edgecombe Country Club, KwaZulu Natal.
This is an ideal opportunity for networking and stimulation.
Construction Conundrums:
- Plan approval and the right to a view: The Constitutional Court’s view;
- Do fibre optic contractors have the right to lay fibre optic cable anywhere anytime?
- Does a JBCC contract automatically terminate at the end of the contract period?
- Thoughts on delay claims;
- Clearly a concurrent delay, or not?
- The contractor’s right to suspend the works;
- Extension of time claims: How to claim: How much to claim: Types of claims;
- Unforeseen ground conditions revisited.
Download a Brochure for more information or contact Trixie Milton:
Email: tmilton@coxyeats.co.za
Tel.: +27 (0)31 536 8500.
Send us your completed Registration Form to reserve your seat.
We look forward to seeing you soon!!!
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