



ABB Ltd v Bam Nuttall Ltd [2013] EWHC 1983 (TCC) Case Mine Court Refuses to Enforce Adjudicator’s
Decision due to Breach of Natural Justice
AmaBhungane Centre for Investigative
Journalism NPC and Another v Minister of
Justice and Correctional Services and Others;
Minister of Police v AmaBhungane Centre for
Investigative Journalism NPC and Others
(CCT 278/19;
CCT 279/19) [2021] ZACC 3;
2021 (4) BCLR 349 (CC);
2021 (3) SA 246 (CC)
(4 February 2021)
SAFLII Powers of an Arbitrator under
Section 12B (4) (a) of the Petroleum
Products Act 120 of 1977
Ashu and Another v Body Corporate of
London Place and Others
SC 1957 SC 72; 1957 SLT 153 Law Library The Matter of Swambo’s Half-share
Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd
v The Mayor and Burgesses of the
London Borough of Lambeth
[2022] EWHC 597 (TCC)
(12 April 2022)
vLex Court Refuses to Enforce Adjudicator’s
Decision due to Breach of Natural Justice
Barrs v British Wool Marketing Board (11463/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 52
(27 February 2024)
vLex Court Refuses to Enforce Adjudicator’s
Decision due to Breach of Natural Justice
Beadica 231 CC and Others v Trustees
of the Oregon Trust and Others
2020 (5) SA 247 (CC) Con Court Collections The Enforcement of Adjudicators’
Decisions by the Courts
Bernert v Absa Bank 2011 (3) SA 92 (CC) Con Court Collections Recusal of an Adjudicator or Arbitrator
BTR Industries South Africa (Pty) Ltd
v Metal & Allied Workers Union
1992 (3) SA 673 (A) SAFLII Recusal of an Adjudicator or Arbitrator
Business Zone 1010 CC t/a Emmarentia
Convenience Centre v Engen Petroleum
Limited and Others
(CCT09/16) [2017] ZACC 2;
2017 (6) BCLR 773 (CC);
2017 JDR 0259 (CC)
(9 February 2017)
Con Court Collections Powers of an Arbitrator under
Section 12B (4) (a) of the Petroleum
Products Act 120 of 1977
Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil County
Borough Council
[2023] EWCA Civ 1416
(Appeal No. CA-2022-001778)
Case No. H42YJ543
Judiciary.UK Hope is a Waking Dream!
Close-Up Mining (Pty) Ltd and Others
v The Arbitrator, Judge Phillip
Boruchowitz and Another
2023 (4) SA 30 (SCA) SAFLII –   Does an Arbitrator have the
Discretionary Power to Decide a
Dispute which has Not been Pleaded?

–   Hope is a Waking Dream!
Competition Commission of South Africa v
Arcerlormittal South Africa Ltd and Others
(680/12) [2013] ZASCA 84;
[2013] 3 All SA 234 (SCA);
2013 (5) SA 538 (SCA);
[2013] 1 CPLR 1 (SCA)
(31 May 2013)
SAFLII Litigation privilege.
Crompton Street Motors CC
t/a Wallers Garage Service Station
v Bright Idea Projects 66 (Pty)
t/a All Fuels
(CCT 19/20) [2021] ZACC 24;
2021 (11) BCLR 1203 (CC);
2022 (1) SA 317 (CC)
(3 September 2021)
SAFLII –   Powers of an Arbitrator under
Section 12B (4) (a) of the Petroleum
Products Act 120 of 1977

–   Sidestepping and Arbitration Agreement
Desai NO v Desai NNO and Others (718/93) [1995] ZASCA 113;
1996 (1) SA 141 (SCA);
(22 September 1995)
SAFLII Prescription
Dexgroup (Pty) Ltd v Trustco Group
International (Pty) Ltd and Others
(687/12) [2013] ZASCA 120;
2013 (6) SA 520 (SCA);
[2014] 1 All SA 375 (SCA)
(20 September 2013)
SAFLII Unless the arbitration agreement provides otherwise, the arbitrator
is not obliged to follow strict rules of evidence provided that the process is fair.
Ekurhuleni West College v Stanley
Harold Segal and Another
(1287/2018) ZASCA 32
(2 April 2020)
SAFLII –   Adjudicators must Pay Careful
Attention when Drafting Their Determinations

–   A Need for Uniform Adjudication Rules

–   From the Editor’s Pen – December 2023
Electricity Supply Commission v Stewarts
and Lloyds of SA (Pty) Ltd
(182/79) [1981] ZASCA 35
(27 March 1981)
Law Library Prescription
Engen Petroleum Limited v The Business
Zone 1010 CC t/a Emmarentia
Convenience Centre
(20513/2014) [2015] ZASCA 176
(27 November 2015)
SAFLII Powers of an Arbitrator under
Section 12B (4) (a) of the Petroleum
Products Act 120 of 1977
Ethekwini Municipality v Cooperativa
Muratori & Cementisti – CMC Di
Ravenna Societa Cooperativa
(Case No. 181/2022) [2023]
(12 June 2023)
SAFLII –   Adjudicators must Pay Careful
Attention when Drafting Their

–   The Enforcement of Adjudicators’
Decisions by the Courts
Ex Parte: Goosen and Others 2020 (1) SA 569 (GJ) SAFLII Recusal of an Adjudicator or Arbitrator
Farmer (Surveyor of Taxes) v Cotton’s Trustee 1915 AC 922 Case Mine Exercising Discretion under
Section 20 of the Arbitration
Act: A Summary of the Relevant Considerations
and Guiding Principles
Halsey v Milton Keynes General NHS Trust [2023] EWCA Civ 1416
(Appeal No. CA-2022-001778)
Case No. H42YJ543
Case Mine Hope is a Waking Dream!
Harbour Terrace Body Corporate v Minister
of Public Works and Others
(2556/2016) [2016] ZAWCHC 87;
[2016] 3 All SA 766 (WCC)
(8 July 2016) 
SAFLII The Matter of Swambo’s Half-share
Kılıç İnşaat İthalat İhracat Sanayive ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi v Turkmenistan  ICSID Case No. ARB/10/1
(2 July 2023)
Jus Mundi Claimant’s failure to comply with the requirement for recourse by it to the courts of Turkmenistan before instituting the arbitration proceedings.
LA and Another v Body Corporate of London Place and Others (11463/2023) [2024] ZAWCHC 92
(27 March 2024) 
SAFLII The Matter of Swambo’s Half-share
Lehana’s Pass Investments CC v Africa
Campus Trading 300 (Pty) Ltd and Others

(16138/2021) [2022] ZAGPJHC 912
(17 November 2022)

SAFLII Powers of an Arbitrator under
Section 12B (4) (a) of the Petroleum
Products Act 120 of 1977
Lugedlane Developments (Pty) Ltd and
Another v Mjejane Parent Game Reserve
Homeowners Association and Others
(017197/2022) [2024] ZAGPJHC 1681
(10 April 2024)
Law Library Does an Arbitrator have the Discretionary
Power to Decide a Dispute which has Not
been Pleaded?
Makate v Vodacom (Pty) Ltd (CCT52/15) [2016] ZACC 13;
2016 (6) BCLR 709 (CC);
2016 (4) SA 121 (CC)
(26 April 2016)
SAFLII Prescription
Mfoza Service Station (Pty) Ltd v Engen
Petroleum Ltd and Another
(CCT 167/21) [2023] ZACC 3;
2023 (4) BCLR 397 (CC);
2023 (6) SA 29 (CC)
(1 February 2023)
SAFLII Powers of an Arbitrator under
Section 12B (4) (a) of the Petroleum
Products Act 120 of 1977
Murray & Roberts Ltd v Alstom S&E
Africa (Pty) Ltd
(2104/18) [2019] ZAGPJHC 300;
[2019] 4 All SA 495 (GJ);
2020 (1) SA 204 (GJ)
(2 September 2019)
SAFLII The Enforcement of Adjudicators’
Decisions by the Courts
North East Finance (Pty) Ltd v Standard
Bank of South Africa Ltd
(492/2012) [2013] ZASCA 76
(29 May 2013)
Law Library Pipped at the Post
Off-Beat Holiday Club and Another v
Sanbonani Holiday Spa Shareblock
Limited and Others Africa Ltd
(CCT106/16) [2017] ZACC 15;
2017 (7) BCLR 916 (CC);
2017 (5) SA 9 (CC)
(23 May 2017)
SAFLII Prescription
Primus Build Ltd v Pompey Centre Ltd and Another  [2009] EWHC 1487 Case Mine Court Refuses to Enforce Adjudicator’s
Decision due to Breach of Natural Justice
Qualelect Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd
v Belo and Kies Construction (Pty) Ltd
(2021/3529) [2022] ZAGPJHC 430
(22 June 2022)
SAFLII The Enforcement of Adjudicators’
Decisions by the Courts
Road Accident Fund v Cloete NO and Others 2010 (6) SA 120 (SCA) SAFLII –    Arbitrarily Speaking! (December 2023,
issue 16) – Readers’ Letters

–    Exercising Discretion under
Section 20 of the Arbitration
Act: A Summary of the Relevant Considerations
and Guiding Principles
South African Human Rights Commission
obo South African Jewish Board of Deputies
v Masuku and Another
(CCT 14/19) [2022] ZACC 5;
2022 (4) SA 1 (CC);
2022 (7) BCLR 850 (CC)
(16 February 2022)
SAFLII Recusal of an Adjudicator or Arbitrator
Telcordia Technologies Inc v Telkom
SA Ltd
(26/05) [2006] ZASCA 112;
[2006] 139 SCA (RSA);
2007 (3) SA 266 (SCA);
[2007] 2 All SA 243 (SCA);
2007 (5) BCLR 503 (SCA)
(22 November 2006)
SAFLII Exercising Discretion under
Section 20 of the Arbitration
Act: A Summary of the Relevant Considerations
and Guiding Principles
The Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process
& Industrial Developments Ltd
[2023] EWHC 2638 (Comm) Judiciary.UK –   Challenging an Arbitration Award on
the Grounds of Serious Irregularity –
Lessons from the UK

–     Hope is a Waking Dream!
The President of the Republic of
South Africa v South African
Rugby Football Union
[1999] ZACC 9; 1999 (4) SA 147 (CC);
1999 (7) BCLR 725 (CC)
Con Court Collections Recusal of an Adjudicator or Arbitrator
Turnbull-Jackson v Hibiscus Court Municipality and Others (CCT 104/13) [2014] ZACC 24;
2014 (6) SA 592 (CC);
2014 (11) BCLR 1310 (CC)
(11 September 2014)
SAFLII Powers of an Arbitrator under
Section 12B (4) (a) of the Petroleum
Products Act 120 of 1977
Van Immerzeel & Pohl and Another
v Samancor Ltd
(543/98) [2000] ZASCA 79;
2001 (2) SA 90 (SCA);
[2001] 2 All SA 235 (A)
(30 November 2000)
SAFLII Duty to Supervise Properly
Van Oord UK Ltd v Dragados UK Ltd [2021] ScotCS CSIH_50
(5 October 2021)
BAILII Court Refuses to Enforce Adjudicator’s
Decision due to Breach of Natural Justice
Weissensee v Stone-Bird Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others (2020/1821) [2022] ZAGPJHC 817
[2022] 4 All SA 905 (GJ)
(17 October 2022)
SAFLII Pipped at the Post